Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Testing Times in Real Life – Part I

Comparison Testing:
In the examination hall, I used to copy and fill the answer papers. But my teacher compared the papers and caught me red handed. This identification of malpractice is called as “Comparison Testing”. Hope most of us would have faced this scenario and strongly agree with this point :-).

copy cartoons, copy cartoon, copy picture, copy pictures, copy image, copy images, copy illustration, copy illustrations
We started to test from our childhood days; however we do it without our knowledge that it is defined as testing :-). Let us realize this by reading my real time experience.

Security Testing:
While leaving from home, we lock the door. Even though we know that we locked the door, we will try to pull the lock and check whether it’s locked properly. Now we derived it as security Testing.

Stress Testing and Load Testing:
Normally I used to take only 3 Dosa for my dinner. Recently I went to a marriage reception and had dinner. I started taking dosa, since the dosa was nice I kept asking dosas and started eating more.
After eating 6 dosa i felt like vomiting.

Load Testing: 3 Dosa
Stress Testing: Going beyond the limit (6 Dosa)

Regression Testing:
If our bike tyre punctures, the mechanic will fix the puncture and attach the wheel. The job of a mechanic is not only fixing the punctures, but also he will drive the bike to some distance to ensure that the break and other important functionalities of the bike are working fine.

In continuation with the above example, the mechanic will fill the air and immerse the tube in water to ensure that there are no more punctures in the tube. Checking only the tube is called as retesting.

Test Environment:
Consider this example
I just took my office access card and try to open my house door. Definitely my house door is not going to open.
Now can I say my access card is not working? Definitely I can’t.
We can’t test the application in some other environment and start logging defects. We need to test the application in appropriate test environment. Setting up the “Test Environment” is very important while testing the application.

The second part of this blog depends on your valuable comments.


  1. good one! Good sense of Humor..Enjoyed reading.

  2. Well, good examples from real life. This way it is always easy to understand the concept. Keep it up. I know another good site for software testing -


  3. Excellent one!!! Really I wondered about your imagination towards Software testing with our day - day life activities.

  4. @ Anonymous

    Thanks for coming and posting your valuable comments

    @ Software Testing

    Thanks for coming and sharing one more nice blog for testing

    @ Barath

    Thanks Barath

    @ Deepika,

    Still many are coming in Part II. Thanks for all your support
